Pickleball Innovators File Uploader

Advertising & Content Specifications
File Formats:
  • GIF or JPG
  • Also provide URL for ad


All photos and graphics must be:
  • 72 dpi
  • RGB color
  • Less than 100k
Ad Dimensions:
  • Welcome/Before You Go: 640 x 480 pixels
  • Leaderboard: 970 x 90 pixels
  • Large Right Column: 300 x 250 pixels
  • Right Column: 300 x 150 pixels
  • Email Banner: 620 x 100 pixels
Supplier Voice:

Online editorial written by your company. These are placed on the home page of our website for 30 days and used to educate the industry on a topic of your choice.

  • 600 words


Dedicated E-blast:

Content should be solution-based, something our readers would benefit from knowing.

  • 200 words
  • The subject line: No more than 7 words. Cannot contain a special sale or discount pricing.
  • Photos: Max-width is 640 pixels, RGB color, 72 dpi
  • No HTML

Pickleball Innovators is not responsible for the appearance of ads submitted that do not meet the graphic format and specifications mentioned.

If you have any questions or issues with uploading your file, please call us at 502-254-7021.

Submit Your Files to Pickleball Innovators

Easily upload your Pickleball Innovators advertising and content files here.